[OpenBIOS] r445 - dev/olpc/cafenand

svn at openbios.org svn at openbios.org
Mon Jun 11 12:12:37 CEST 2007

Author: wmb
Date: 2007-06-11 12:12:35 +0200 (Mon, 11 Jun 2007)
New Revision: 445

Initial check-in of ECC code for CaFe NAND.  It builds okay when added
to the cafenand driver, but the main cafenand driver doesn't call it yet.

Modified: dev/olpc/cafenand/cafenand.bth
--- dev/olpc/cafenand/cafenand.bth	2007-06-08 05:44:36 UTC (rev 444)
+++ dev/olpc/cafenand/cafenand.bth	2007-06-11 10:12:35 UTC (rev 445)
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
+fload ${BP}/dev/olpc/cafenand/ecc.fth
 fload ${BP}/dev/olpc/cafenand/cafenand.fth
 fload ${BP}/dev/olpc/cafenand/configure.fth
 fload ${BP}/dev/olpc/cafenand/badblock.fth

Added: dev/olpc/cafenand/ecc.fth
--- dev/olpc/cafenand/ecc.fth	                        (rev 0)
+++ dev/olpc/cafenand/ecc.fth	2007-06-11 10:12:35 UTC (rev 445)
@@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
+\ CAFE NAND error correction
+\ See license at end of file.
+: array!  ( value index adr -- )  swap wa+ !  ;
+: array@  ( index adr -- value )  swap wa+ @  ;
+\ Split or join a number, size of low half is n bits.
+: #split ( x n -- x.lo x.hi )
+   2dup rshift    ( x n x.hi )
+   tuck >r        ( x x.hi n r: x.hi )
+   lshift xor     ( x.lo r: x.hi )
+   r>             ( x.lo x.hi )
+: #join  ( x.lo x.hi n -- x )  lshift or  ;
+\ The fields we use.  0 represents 0, 1 represents 1.
+\ Finite field of 64 elements: K := F_2[X]/(X**6+X+1)
+\ X**n is represented by bit value 2**n
+[ifdef] 386-assembler
+code K*  ( a b -- a*b )
+   dx dx xor          \ Result in DX
+   bx pop  ax pop     \ b in BX, a in AX
+   6 # cx mov         \ Loop count in CX
+   begin
+      \ Accumulate B if low bit of a is set
+      1 # al test  0<>  if  bx dx xor  then
+      \ Square B to give B'
+      bx bx add  h# 40 # bx test  0<>  if  h# 43 # bx xor  then
+      \ Shift out low bit of A
+      1 # ax shr
+   loopne
+   dx push
+[ifndef] k*
+\ This is "bit banging multiplication" with GF arithmetic
+: K*  ( a b -- a*b )
+   0 -rot   6 0  do                            ( res a b )
+      \ Accumulate B if low bit of A is set
+      over 1 and  if  rot over xor -rot  then  ( res' a b )
+      swap 2/ swap                             ( res a' b )  \ Next A bit
+      2*  dup h# 40 and  if  h# 43 xor  then   ( res a' b' ) \ "Square" B
+   loop                                        ( res a b )
+   2drop                                       ( a*b )
+[ifdef] notdef  \ Segher's original version
+: KX*  ( a -- aX )  2*  dup h# 40 and  if  h# 43 xor  then  ;
+: K*  ( a b -- a*b )
+   0  6 0  do         ( a b res )
+      >r tuck         ( b a b       r: res )
+      KX* >r          ( b a         r: res bX )
+      1 #split >r     ( b a.lobit   r: res bX a.hi )
+      0<> and         ( b'          r: res bX a.hi )
+      r> r> rot       ( a.hi bX b'  r: res )
+      r> xor          ( a.hi bX res' )
+   loop               ( a.hi bX res )
+   nip nip            ( a*b )
+\ Finite field of 4096 elements: L := K[X]/(X**2+X+A**-1)
+\ with A the generator of K; aX+b is represented as 64a+b
+\ This is place-value multiplication, GF style
+: L*  ( a b -- a*b )
+   over 6 #split xor       ( a b a' )
+   over 6 #split xor       ( a b a' b' )
+   K* >r >r                ( a r: a'*b' b )
+   6 #split                ( a.lo a.hi  r: a'*b' b )
+   r> 6 #split             ( a.lo a.hi  b.lo b.hi  r: a'*b' )
+   rot K*                  ( a.lo b.lo  a.hi*b.hi  r: a'*b' )
+   h# 21 K* >r             ( a.lo b.lo  r: a'*b' a.hi*b.hi*21 )
+   K* dup r>               ( a.lo*b.lo  a.lo*b.lo  a.hi*b.hi*21  r: a'*b' )
+   xor swap                ( hi a.lo*b.lo  r: a'*b' )
+   r> xor                  ( hi a.lo*b.lo^a'*b' )
+   6 #join                 ( a*b )
+\ Inverse of 0 gives 0; this simplifies some algorithms
+: Linv  ( a -- a**-1 )  dup  d# 10 0  do  2dup L*  L*  loop  dup L*  nip  ;
+\ Polynomials.  Element i represents the X**i term, there are always 9 terms.
+\ Find the degree of a polynomial.  The degree of the 0 polynomial is 0.
+: poly-deg  ( poly -- )
+   0  9 1  do                           ( 'poly degree )
+      over i wa+ @  if  drop i  then    ( 'poly degree' )
+   loop                                 ( 'poly degree )
+   nip                                  ( degree )
+\ Set poly to multiplicative identity.
+: poly-set-unity  ( poly -- )  dup 9 /w* erase  1 swap !  ;
+\ Find the error locator polynomial by using the Berlekamp-Massey algorithm.
+9 /w* buffer: _l   \ Error locator polynomial - Lambda
+9 /w* buffer: _b   \ BM b polynomial
+: discrepancy  ( syndrome len -- discr )
+   tuck                   ( len syndrome len )
+   1- wa+                 ( len end-adr )
+   0                      ( len end-adr  acc )
+   rot  0  do             ( end-adr  acc )
+      over i /w* - @      ( end-adr  acc  syndrome-data )
+      i _l array@ L*      ( end-adr  acc  syndrome*locator )
+      xor                 ( end-adr  acc' )
+   loop                   ( end-adr  acc )
+   nip                    ( discr )
+: bm-step-even  ( discr r -- )
+   0  swap 1+  0  do                 ( discr acc  )
+      2dup L*                        ( discr acc  discr*acc )
+      i _l array@  xor  i _l array!  ( discr acc )
+      i _b array@  swap i _b array!  ( discr acc' )
+   loop 2drop                        ( )
+: bm-step-odd  ( discr r -- )
+   0  swap 1+  0  do                       ( discr acc )
+      over L*                              ( discr acc' )
+      i _l array@ tuck xor   i _l array!   ( discr acc' )
+      over Linv L*                         ( discr acc' )
+      i _b array@  swap i _b array!        ( discr acc' )
+   loop 2drop                              ( )
+: bm-step  ( discr r -- )
+   dup  1 and  if  bm-step-odd  else  bm-step-even  then
+: berlekamp-massey  ( syndrome -- )  \ Leaves the result in _l
+   _l poly-set-unity           ( syndrome )
+   _b poly-set-unity           ( syndrome )
+   9 1  do                     ( syndrome )
+      dup i discrepancy        ( syndrome discrepancy )
+      i bm-step                ( syndrome )
+   loop drop                   ( )
+\ Solving the error locator polynomial
+\ The roots of the locator polynomial.
+variable nroots
+4 /w* buffer: roots
+\ Evaluate the locator polynomial at given point.
+: eval-l  ( x -- l )
+   0  9 0  do            ( x acc )
+      over L*            ( x acc' )
+      8 i - _l array@    ( x acc locator )
+      xor                ( x acc' )
+   loop nip              ( l )
+: solve-locator ( -- unsolvable? )
+   _l poly-deg   dup nroots !      ( degree )
+   dup 0=  if  drop true exit  then   \ paranoia
+   \ special case for degree one polynomials
+   1 =  if  1 _l array@ Linv  roots !  0 exit  then
+   \ Otherwise we use the brute force approach of evaluating at every
+   \ possible point; the ones that evaluate to 0 are roots.
+   \ This is slow, but should happen extremely rarely in practice.
+   0   h# 1000 0  do             ( root# )
+      i eval-l  0=  if           ( root# )
+         i  over roots array!    ( root# )
+         1+                      ( root#' )
+      then                       ( root# )
+   loop                          ( root# )
+   nroots @ <>                   ( unsolvable? )
+\ Finding the errors.
+\ Error evaluator polynomial.
+4 /w* buffer: _o  \ Omega
+: compute-evaluator  ( syndrome -- )
+   4 0  do                     ( syndrome )
+      dup  i 1+  discrepancy   ( syndrome discrepancy )
+      i _o array!              ( syndrome )
+   loop  drop                  ( )
+\ Error values per root.
+: compute-num  ( root -- num )
+   dup Linv                       ( root root**-1 )
+   0   4 0  do                    ( root root**n  num )
+      over  i _o array@  L*       ( root root**n  num  _o*root**n )
+      xor                         ( root root**n  num' )
+      >r  over L*  r>             ( root root**n' num' )
+   loop                           ( root root**n' num' )
+   nip nip                        ( num )
+: compute-den  ( root -- den )
+   dup L*                         ( r )  \ r is root**2
+   1 0                            ( r 1 den=0 )
+   4 0  do                        ( r r**n  den )
+      \ Accumulate the odd elements of the locator array
+      over  i 2* 1+ _l array@ L*  ( r r**n  den locator*r**n )
+      xor                         ( r r**n  den' )
+      >r   over L*   r>           ( r r**n' den' )
+   loop                           ( r r**n  den )
+   nip nip                        ( den )
+: compute-error  ( root -- error )
+   dup compute-num   ( root num )
+   swap compute-den  ( num den )
+   Linv L*           ( num/den )
+h# e01 constant alpha
+\ Error location.
+: compute-location  ( root -- loc )
+   >r 1  alpha                 ( loc  alpha**n  r: root )
+   begin  dup r@ <>  while     ( loc  alpha**n  r: root )
+      swap 1+  swap alpha L*   ( loc' alpha**n' r: root )
+   repeat                      ( loc' alpha**n' r: root )
+   \ Segher says:
+   \ aa1 is a fudge factor to make the code indices line up with
+   \ the data block.  The data is actually numbered from the
+   \ right, including the parity data.  The roots of the locator
+   \ polynomial are the inverse of the data locations, so their
+   \ logarithm (computed just above) is the negative of element
+   \ inidces.  The leftmost byte of the data is index h# 555,
+   \ so "h# aa1 -" does the whole mapping.
+   r> 2drop  h# aa1 -          ( loc )
+[ifdef] later
+: compute-location  ( root -- loc )
+   alpha  0  h# aa0  do                       ( root alpha**n )
+      2dup =  if  2drop i unloop exit  then   ( root alpha**n )
+      alpha L*                                ( root alpha**n' )
+   -1 +loop                                   ( root alpha**n' )
+   2drop  -1   
+\ Correct the errors.
+: xor-it  ( x c-addr -- )  tuck c@  xor  swap c!  ;
+\ The "locs" below are indices into an array of 12-bit numbers.
+\ The "values" below are 12-bit masks telling which bits to flip.
+\ (fix-error) 
+: (fix-error)  ( data-adr value loc -- )
+   rot over 3 * 2 / +  >r     ( value loc  r: byte-adr )
+   \ If loc is 0, XOR the low 8 bits of the 12-bit value with the first byte
+   \ The other 4 bits (which are 0) would be for the nibble before start-of-buffer
+   dup 0=  if                 ( value loc  r: byte-adr )
+      drop r>  xor-it  exit
+   then                       ( value loc  r: byte-adr )
+   \ If loc is 555, XOR the high 8 bit of the 12-bit value with the last byte
+   \ The other 4 bits would be for the nibble after end-of-buffer (in the
+   \ parity data).
+   dup  h# 555 =  if
+      drop  4 rshift r> xor-it  exit
+   then                       ( value loc  r: byte-adr )
+   1 and  if                  ( value  r: byte-adr )
+      \ XOR with the bytes at adr and adr+1
+      dup 4 rshift            ( value value.hi  r: byte-adr )
+      r@ xor-it               ( value  r: byte-adr )
+      4 lshift                ( value.lo  r: byte-adr )
+      r> 1+ xor-it            ( )
+   else                       ( value loc  r: byte-adr )
+      \ XOR with the bytes at adr and adr-1
+      dup 8 rshift            ( value value.hi  r: byte-adr )
+      r@ 1- xor-it            ( value  r: byte-adr )
+      r> xor-it               ( )
+   then                       ( )
+: fix-error  ( data value loc -- uncorrectable? )
+   \ Impossible locations or values mean uncorrectable errors happened.
+   dup h# 55e u>  if  3drop true exit  then       ( data value loc )
+\ The use of "u>" above takes care of this possibility
+\  dup 0<  if  3drop true exit  then              ( data value loc )
+   dup 0=  if                                     ( data value loc )
+      over h# f00 and  if  3drop true exit  then  ( data value loc )
+   then                                           ( data value loc )
+   \ If the error is in out-of-band data, there is nothing to do.
+   dup h# 555 >  if  3drop false exit  then       ( data value loc )
+   (fix-error) false                              ( uncorrectable? )
+: fix-errors  ( data -- uncorrectable? )
+   nroots @  0  do              ( data )
+      dup  i roots array@       ( data  data root )
+      dup compute-error         ( data  data root value )
+      swap compute-location     ( data  data value loc )
+      fix-error  if             ( data )
+         drop true unloop exit
+      then                      ( data )
+   loop                         ( data )
+   drop  false                  ( uncorrectable? )
+\ The only entry point for the whole thing.  Syndromes is an array of cells,
+\ data is at 2048 byte block.
+: correct-ecc  ( data syndrome -- uncorrectable? )
+   dup berlekamp-massey                       ( data syndrome )
+   solve-locator  if  2drop true exit  then   ( data syndrome )
+   compute-evaluator                          ( data )
+   fix-errors                                 ( uncorrectable? )
+[ifdef] notdef
+\ Test vectors
+CREATE s1  001 , 6c6 , 291 , d91 , 1ef , e26 , a19 , 8c0 ,
+CREATE s2  0f8 , de1 , 5e5 , 287 , 566 , 756 , f5f , 253 ,
+CREATE s3  001 , 001 , 001 , 001 , 001 , 001 , 001 , 001 ,
+CREATE s4  41e , b7a , 37c , 885 , c32 , a87 , 218 , b08 ,
+: #aligned negate swap negate and negate ;
+: #align here swap #aligned here - allot ; 
+1000 #align  here 800 allot CONSTANT data
+\ Testing utility stuff -- only used for debug, remove...
+: 0.r  0 swap <# 0 ?DO # LOOP #> 2dup lower type ;
+: .L  3 0.r space ;
+\ Print terms, dropping leading zeroes.
+: .poly ( poly -- )  dup poly-deg 1+ 0 DO  i over array@ .L LOOP drop  ;
+: tt
+  cr ." syn: " dup .poly
+  dup berlekamp-massey
+  cr ." locator: " _l .poly
+  solve-locator if cr ." unsolvable" exit then
+  cr nroots ? ." roots: " nroots @ 0 do  i roots array@ .  loop
+  compute-evaluator
+  cr ." omega: " 4 0 do i _o array@ .l loop
+  cr ." errors: " nroots @ 0 do  i roots array@ dup compute-error 3 0.r
+  compute-location ." @" u. loop
+: t  ( syndrome -- )
+  data 800 erase  data swap correct-ecc if cr ." Uncorrectable!"
+  else data 800 dump then
+\ Expected results:
+ok s1 tt
+syn: 001 6c6 291 d91 1ef e26 a19 8c0 3aa
+locator: 001 6c6
+1 roots: 2db
+omega: 001 000 000 000
+errors: 001 at 0 
+ok s2 tt
+syn: 0f8 de1 5e5 287 566 756 f5f 253 ???
+locator: 001 6c6
+1 roots: 2db
+omega: 0f8 000 000 000
+errors: 0f8 at 0
+ok s3 tt
+syn: 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 001 ???
+locator: 001 001
+1 roots: 1
+omega: 001 000 000 000
+errors: 001 at 55e
+ok s4 tt
+syn: 41e b7a 37c 885 c32 a87 218 b08 ???
+locator: 001 ade e67 e84 e7c
+4 roots: 1fa 3e1 913 b11
+omega: 41e b36 321 7f2
+errors: 00e at 48e e00 at 3c8 010 at 1a5 a00 at fa
+ok s1 t
+01 at offset 0, all else 0
+ok s2 t
+f8 at offset 0, all else 0
+ok s3 t
+all 0 (error is in the check bytes)
+ok s4 t
+0a at 176, 01 at 277, 0e at 5ab, 0e at 6d5
+\ Copyright 2007  Segher Boessenkool  <segher at kernel.crashing.org>
+\ Copyright (c) 2007 FirmWorks
+\ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+\ a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+\ "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+\ without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+\ distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+\ permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+\ the following conditions:
+\ The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+\ included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

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