[OpenBIOS] [PATCH] variable instatiation support

Samuel Rydh samuel at ibrium.se
Tue Nov 4 02:43:47 CET 2003


This patch adds variable instantiation support. It is intended to
be used for device node instantiation.

Some implementational details:

- all template data is put into the dictionary. The thought behind this
is to make it possible to put both methods and template data in
a single wordlist.

- instantiated variables are stored in a continuous block of memory
(in contrast to the template data which is spread out in the dictionary).

A small example file is also attached to this e-mail.


-------------- next part --------------
# This is a BitKeeper generated patch for the following project:
# Project Name: OpenBIOS BK repository (tracks a CVS tree)
# This patch format is intended for GNU patch command version 2.5 or higher.
# This patch includes the following deltas:
#	           ChangeSet	1.6     -> 1.7    
#	forth/device/fcode.fs	1.1     -> 1.2    
#	kernel/kernel/internal.c	1.1     -> 1.2    
#	kernel/kernel/primitives.c	1.4     -> 1.5    
#	kernel/arch/unix/unix.c	1.1     -> 1.2    
#	kernel/forth/bootstrap.fs	1.1     -> 1.2    
# The following is the BitKeeper ChangeSet Log
# --------------------------------------------
# 03/11/04	samuel at ibrium.se	1.7
# support for variable instantiation
# --------------------------------------------
diff -Nru a/forth/device/fcode.fs b/forth/device/fcode.fs
--- a/forth/device/fcode.fs	Tue Nov  4 02:07:03 2003
+++ b/forth/device/fcode.fs	Tue Nov  4 02:07:03 2003
@@ -125,12 +125,47 @@
 \ instance ( -- )   
 \   Mark next defining word as instance specific.
-: instance
-  ." instance: word not implemented"
+: instance ( -- )
+  true #instance !
+\ The following instance-related words are not a part of the OF standard
+\ but function as an API for variable instantiation.
+\ instance-size ( -- size )
+\   Returns the size of the template data in the dictionary.
+\   This function is partially redundant since #instance-offs can be used.
+: instance-size ( -- size )
+  get-current
+  begin 
+    @ dup 0<> if dup na1+ @ instance-cfa? else true then
+  until
+  dup 0<> if
+    dup 2 /n* + @ swap 3 /n* + @ +
+  then
+\ instance-init ( buffer -- )
+\   Clones template data (of instance-size) from the dictionary
+: instance-init
+  get-current
+  begin @ dup 0<> while
+    dup /n + @ instance-cfa? if         \ buffer dict
+      2dup 2 /n* + @ +                  \ buffer dict dest
+      over 3 /n* + @                    \ buffer dict dest size
+      2 pick 4 /n* +                    \ buffer dict dest size src
+      -rot
+      move
+    then
+  repeat
+  2drop
+  ;
 \ new-token ( F:/FCode#/ -- ) 
 \   Create a new unnamed FCode function
diff -Nru a/kernel/arch/unix/unix.c b/kernel/arch/unix/unix.c
--- a/kernel/arch/unix/unix.c	Tue Nov  4 02:07:03 2003
+++ b/kernel/arch/unix/unix.c	Tue Nov  4 02:07:03 2003
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
 static const char *wordnames[] = {
 	"(semis)", "", "(lit)", "", "", "", "", "(do)", "(?do)", "(loop)",
-	"(+loop)", "dup", "2dup", "?dup", "over", "2over", "pick", "drop",
+	"(+loop)", "", "", "", "dup", "2dup", "?dup", "over", "2over", "pick", "drop",
 	"2drop", "nip", "roll", "rot", "-rot", "swap", "2swap", ">r", "r>",
 	"r@", "depth", "depth!", "rdepth", "rdepth!", "+", "-", "*", "u*",
 	"mu/mod", "abs", "negate", "max", "min", "lshift", "rshift", ">>a",
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
 	"sp@", "move", "fill", "(emit)", "(?key)", "(key)", "execute",
 	"here", "here!", "dobranch", "do?branch", "unaligned-w@",
 	"unaligned-w!", "unaligned-l@", "unaligned-l!", "ioc@", "iow@",
-	"iol@", "ioc!", "iow!", "iol!", "i", "j", "call"
+	"iol@", "ioc!", "iow!", "iol!", "i", "j", "call", "instance!"
diff -Nru a/kernel/forth/bootstrap.fs b/kernel/forth/bootstrap.fs
--- a/kernel/forth/bootstrap.fs	Tue Nov  4 02:07:03 2003
+++ b/kernel/forth/bootstrap.fs	Tue Nov  4 02:07:03 2003
@@ -184,8 +184,8 @@
-    dup @ 		\ leaves -- leaves *leaves )
-    swap 		\ -- *leaves leaves )
+    dup @               \ leaves -- leaves *leaves )
+    swap                \ -- *leaves leaves )
     here over -         \ -- *leaves leaves here-leaves
     swap !              \ -- *leaves
@@ -849,17 +849,44 @@
 \ Miscellaneous dictionary (part 2)
+variable #instance-base
+variable #instance-offs
+variable #instance
+\ the following instance words are used internally
+\ to implement variable instantiation.
+: set-instance ( instancebuf -- )
+  dup #instance-base ! instance!
+: get-instance ( -- instancebuf )
+  #instance-base @
+: instance-cfa? ( cfa -- true | false )
+  b e within                              \ b,c and d are instance defining words
+: (ito) ( xt-new xt-defer -- )
+  #instance-base @ 0= if
+    3 na+ !
+  else
+    na1+ @ #instance-base @ + !
+  then
 : to
   ['] ' execute
+  dup @ instance-cfa?
   state @ if
-   ['] (lit) , , ['] (to) ,
-  else
-    /n + !
+    swap ['] (lit) , , if ['] (ito) else ['] (to) then ,
+    else
+    if (ito) else /n + ! then
   ; immediate
 \ Console Input
@@ -1231,21 +1258,46 @@
+: instance, ( size -- )
+  dup #instance-offs @ dup rot + #instance-offs !
+  , ,      \ offset size
+: instance? ( -- flag )
+  #instance @ dup if
+    false #instance !
+  then
 : value
   parse-word header
-  3 , ,
+  instance? if
+    /n b , instance, ,              \ DOIVAL
+  else
+    3 , ,
+  then
 : variable
   parse-word header
-  4 , 0 ,
+  instance? if
+    /n c , instance, 0 ,
+  else
+    4 , 0 ,
+  then
 : buffer:
   parse-word header
-  4 , allot
+  instance? if
+    /n over /n 1- and - /n 1- and +     \ align buffer size
+    dup c , instance,                  	\ DOIVAR
+  else
+    4 ,
+  then
+  allot
@@ -1255,7 +1307,11 @@
 : defer  (  new-name< >  -- )
   parse-word header
-  5 ,
+  instance? if
+    2 /n* d , instance,                 \ DOIDEFER
+  else
+    5 , 
+  then
   ['] (undefined-defer) ,
   ['] (semis) ,
diff -Nru a/kernel/kernel/internal.c b/kernel/kernel/internal.c
--- a/kernel/kernel/internal.c	Tue Nov  4 02:07:03 2003
+++ b/kernel/kernel/internal.c	Tue Nov  4 02:07:03 2003
@@ -261,3 +261,38 @@
+static ucell instance_base = 0;
+static void setinstance(void)
+	instance_base = POP();
+static void doivar(void)
+	ucell r, *p = (ucell *)(*(ucell *) PC + sizeof(ucell));
+	/* printk("ivar, offset: %d size: %d\n", p[0], p[1] ); */
+	r = instance_base ? instance_base + p[0] : (ucell)&p[2];
+	PUSH( r );
+static void doival(void)
+	ucell r, *p = (ucell *)(*(ucell *) PC + sizeof(ucell));
+	/* printk("ivar, offset: %d size: %d\n", p[0], p[1] ); */
+	r = instance_base ? instance_base + p[0] : (ucell)&p[2];
+	PUSH( *(ucell *)r );
+static void doidefer(void)
+	ucell *p = (ucell *)(*(ucell *) PC + sizeof(ucell));
+	/* printk("doidefer, offset: %d size: %d\n", p[0], p[1] ); */
+	PC = instance_base ? instance_base + p[0] : (ucell)&p[2];
+	PC -= sizeof(ucell);
diff -Nru a/kernel/kernel/primitives.c b/kernel/kernel/primitives.c
--- a/kernel/kernel/primitives.c	Tue Nov  4 02:07:03 2003
+++ b/kernel/kernel/primitives.c	Tue Nov  4 02:07:03 2003
@@ -51,6 +51,9 @@
+	doival,
+	doivar,
+	doidefer,
 	 * primitives
@@ -133,5 +136,6 @@
 	iolstore,		/* iol!    */
 	loop_i,			/* i       */
 	loop_j,			/* j       */
-	call			/* call    */
+	call,			/* call    */
+	setinstance,		/* instance! */
-------------- next part --------------

\ create some instance variables
20 instance value alpha
instance variable beta
instance defer function
200 instance buffer: gamma

cr ." Template data size: " instance-size . cr

\ some test functions
: incbeta ( -- ) beta @ 1+ to beta ;
: incalpha ( -- ) alpha 1+ to alpha ;
: pushone ( -- ) 1 ;
: pushtwo ( -- ) 2 ;

30 to beta
' pushone to function

\ allocate two instances and copy template data
here dup instance-size allot value instance1 instance-init
here dup instance-size allot value instance2 instance-init

: report
	cr cr
	." ALPHA     : " alpha . cr
	." BETA      : " beta @ . cr
	." DEFER     : " function . cr
	." GAMMA     : " gamma . cr cr

\ enter instance 1
instance1 set-instance
cr ." ---- INSTANCE ONE ----"

' pushtwo to function

\ enter instance 2
instance2 set-instance
cr ." ---- INSTANCE TWO ----"
report incbeta incbeta report

\ back to the no-instance case
cr ." ---- TEMPLATE DATA ----"
0 set-instance

\ enter instance 1
cr ." ---- INSTANCE ONE ----"
instance1 set-instance


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